Excerpts from A Diabetic’s Journey

“I see monsters, I see monsters” p. 7

This was now a way of life for me. p. 11

“Mom I don’t want to go.” p. 16

I felt so low, how could I face everyone now? p. 29


All I wanted to do was fit in. p. 37

Every morning it was even more and more difficult to get up. p. 50

She was barely recognizable. p. 63 

Dating was the scariest time for me. p. 66

I felt like the diabetes dinosaur in the room. p. 82

Why did I have these things on my skin? p. 88

How was I going to survive here with diabetes? p. 105

“I can’t see the sign and I don’t know how to get home!” p. 126

I could only attribute it to divine intervention. p. 139